How To Protect Your Knees While Hiking

Let’s be honest…hiking up and down scree, boulders, tree roots and grinding down steep hills, can be tough on your knees!

Here are a few ideas on how hikers of all abilities can protect their knees and prevent injury…

Use hiking poles! I confess, I waited until hiking for over a decade before I decided to give hiking poles a try. Hiking poles…without a doubt…take away strain on your knees when both ascending & descending down a hill/mountain! The poles redistribute the weight to your arms and reduce the impact on your knees by up to 50%!

  • Here are a few examples of why hiking poles are a good idea:

  • Hiking poles transfer the workload from your lower body muscles and joints to your upper body and reduce strain on your knees and ankles.

  • Hiking poles make crossing rivers and streams easier by providing you better balance when moving through running water.

  • Hiking poles provide better balance when navigating rocks and scree

  • Hiking poles help you move faster by propelling you forward

Wear a Knee Brace…if you already have an existing injury or knee pain! I started wearing one on my left knee after an injury I had hiking over too many boulders in Arizona. Since there are many choices of knee braces like simple wraps & sleeves to hinged braces, you may want to consult a physical therapist to determine the best fit for you.

Stretch before and after your hike! I have to admit, I am not as conistent with stretching as I should be:)…It’s especially important after your hike to relieve sore and tight muscles to improve muscle flexibility.

Wear proper fitting hiking boots! I can’t tell you how many times I have witnessed novice hikers wearing flip flops and running shoes with no ankle supports. Trust me, the wrong footwear will take a toll on your knees, hips, ankles and lower back.

A good hiking boot will be well cushioned, have strong ankle support and have good traction with thick soles. Do not buy whats cheapest if you want to be a serious hiker. Try to get properly fitted by someone who knows how to do it.