Bear Awareness

Bear attacks Banff Canmore Kananaskis

Banff, Jasper and Yoho National Parks are home to both grizzly and black bears. Seeing them in the car is quite different than when you are on the trail!

Although the chances of having an encounter with an aggressive bear are extremely low (less than 1 in a million), proper planning before you head out can help reduce your risk.

By being bear aware, prepared and ALWAYS carrying Bear Spray (and know how to use it), you can help protect yourself and the bears.

Bear Country

To avoid bear encounters, follow these simple guidelines:

~ Travel with a partner or in a group. Bears tend to avoid groups of people.

~ Make noise! Consistent conversation, singing or ocassionally clapping your hands and saying “hey bear” is always as good idea. Especially if you are hiking sharp switchbacks or near water where bears cannot hear as well.

~ Be aware of your surroundings! Do not wear headphones or excessively use your cell phone. Look for signs of bear activities such as fresh scat, turned over rocks or paw tracks.

~ If you see a bear, leave the area or take a detour. If this is impossible, wait until the bear moves away. Always leave the bear an escape route. Be extra cautious if you see a female with cubs; never place yourself between a mother and her cub, and never attempt to approach them.

Bears Banff Canmore Kananaskis hiking

Always Carry Bearspray

~ Yes bear spray works! Bear spray has been shown to be efective 90% of the time against aggresive bears.

~ DO NOT store your bear spray inside your backpack! Use the provided belt holster to attach to your belt or front chest strap of your backpack.

~ Everyone in your group should have their own bear spray.

~ Never discharge your bear spray for any other reason than its intended purpose. All bear spray cannisters will be weighed and assesed for damage & used contents.

How To Use Bear Spray

  1. If you see a bear, remove the canister from its holster.

  2. If the bear moves towards you, remove the safety tab.

  3. Hold your ground & make yourself/group look BIG!

  4. If the bear charges, spray in 1-2 second blasts so that it must pass through the cloud of spray. Aim low in front of the bears head. Remember, you only have 7-9 seconds of spray.

  5. NEVER RUN! Instead, back away slowly &and calmly & head back towards your vehicle. Do not continue your hike.

  6. Let approaching hikers know of your bear encounter and report your bear sighting to Parks Canada at (403) 762-1470 or (403) 591-7755 for Kananskis/Bow Valley area.